Small dogs with huge hearts!

My passion for this breed is as strong as their unique characters!
They give so much and their loving nature brings a world of love and cuddles!
At elevage Des Etoiles de la Vergeade we are passionate about Chihuahuas because we know small is beautiful. We believe our dogs are pets first and all our dogs are valued members of our family.
Our dogs enjoy family life at all times in our home along with our cats and outside with our miniature ponies, miniature goats and our birds. Chihuahuas are loyal, loving pets with strong characters and playful spirits. They make the best companions and we firmly believe you get the best out of them the more time you spend with them. Socialising is vital as your little Chihuahua may be small but thinks big! All our puppies are socialised with other animals and people and we will help and advise you on how to get the very best out of your new family member.
Chihuahuas will change your life for the better. All of our Chihuahuas are little stars so why not have a star of your own.
All our puppies come with a full health check and puppy pack to make sure your new puppy gets the best start in life.
They give so much and their loving nature brings a world of love and cuddles!
At elevage Des Etoiles de la Vergeade we are passionate about Chihuahuas because we know small is beautiful. We believe our dogs are pets first and all our dogs are valued members of our family.
Our dogs enjoy family life at all times in our home along with our cats and outside with our miniature ponies, miniature goats and our birds. Chihuahuas are loyal, loving pets with strong characters and playful spirits. They make the best companions and we firmly believe you get the best out of them the more time you spend with them. Socialising is vital as your little Chihuahua may be small but thinks big! All our puppies are socialised with other animals and people and we will help and advise you on how to get the very best out of your new family member.
Chihuahuas will change your life for the better. All of our Chihuahuas are little stars so why not have a star of your own.
All our puppies come with a full health check and puppy pack to make sure your new puppy gets the best start in life.
Des petits chiens au coeur immense!

Ma passion pour ces petits chiens est aussi grande que leurs caractères!
Ils donnent tellement et leur nature aimante créée un monde d'amour et de calins!
A l'elevage des Etoiles de la Vergeade nous sommes passionnés par les Chihuahuas parce que tout ce qui est petit est mignon! Nos chiens sont avant tout des membres précieux de notre famille. Ils vivent dans la maison avec nos chats et côtoient aussi nos poneys miniatures, chèvres naines et nos oiseaux.
Les Chihuahuas sont des animaux de compagnie loyaux et affectueux, dotés de caractères forts et d'un esprit enjoué. Ils font les meilleurs compagnons et nous croyons fermement que vous obtiendrez le meilleur d'eux si ils partagent un maximum de choses avec vous.
La socialisation est essentielle car votre petit Chihuahua est petit mais se comporte en grand! Tout nos chiots sont en contact avec d'autres animaux et d'autres personnes. Nous vous aiderons et vous conseillerons pour tirer le meilleur parti de votre nouveau membre de la famille.
Les Chihuahuas vont changer votre vie en améliorant votre quotidien. Tous nos chihuahuas sont de petites Etoiles alors pourquoi ne pas en avoir une?
Tout nos chiots sont LOF, pucés, primo vaccinés, vermifugés et accompagnés d'un bilan de santé complet mais également d'un kit chiots afin de démarrer sans soucis votre nouvelle vie avec votre nouveau compagnon...